Auguste Etienne Baron-E

Rome, June 11th 1819 – Approx. 1896

 This artist is quite surprising by his attitude. He married Marie Eugenie Albertine Graux on July 9, 1850. She died on July 11, 1851 in Ecouen. Widowed without children, on August 28, 1862, he remarried to Caroline Antoinette Anna Jacoutot. The witnesses to their marriage were Charles Edouard Hugot, a painter, living in Paris, and Edouard Frère, also a painter. They lived at 43, grande-rue du Gué in 1851 (rue de a Grande-Fontaine) then rue de l’église in 1872. From this marriage was born Antoinette Anne Sophie, who was found to be a painter in the census.
On April 10, 1864, a report is established noting the non adjudication of a house located in Ecouen, place de La Croix-Maubeuge, for Auguste Etienne Baron. The non-sale of his property had repercussions on the artist’s lifestyle, since on April 11, 1869, François Etienne Duru, a plasterer merchant, granted him a loan: 5,000 F, 3,000 F and another 3,000 F. For this, he mortgaged his two houses located in front of the place of La Croix-Mauberge and holding the alley. He tried to sell them, but no buyer came forward. In each of them, there is a painter’s studio. In July, he sold some movable objects for 1 500 F, the sum was insufficient to pay off his creditor. Then, in August 1869, Baron owed 6 000 F to Pierre Boutagnon, a wine merchant. He mortgaged his two houses in La Croix-Maubeuge that he had not been able to sell previously. In full disarray, while he owes 17 000 F, he leaves on a trip to Biarritz.
This departure is rather an escape. The crisis broke out in 1863 and, at the turn of a certificate of notoriety, one learns that his abandoned wife, a fact known to all for a long time, undertook research, probably as early as 1870.
In 1872, he was living in Italy but, since then and in spite of all the steps taken by Mrs. Baron and her friends, it is impossible to have news of him or to discover his home.

For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

Joseph Athanase Aufray-E

Paris, April 4th 1836 – approx. 1885, ?

A student of Felix Joseph Barrias, he settled in Ecouen with his wife Marie Turin, eleven years his junior. The announcement of their marriage can be found in « the Petit Journal » of April 15, 1866. Their house, rue de la Grande-Fontaine, is still one of the most beautiful residences in the city, even if the glass roof of the studio has disappeared. The year of his marriage, he participated in the Paris Salon where he exhibited « Les dragées de baptême » and « Le Chapeau de papier« .
The critic Charles Yriarte, in his review of the Exhibition of Fine Arts, praised this new artist: « It is a young painter, beginner whose work we have chosen because it is the imprint of a certain reverie that concurred with a harmony and a great richness of tone. Au fil de l’eau, that is not told; it is not strictly speaking a subject, and yet it emerges from there a great poetry. Mr. Aufray was not awarded a medal, but these are nevertheless happy beginnings ».
He was invited to the Salon almost every year until his death. He was also invited abroad: Cologne in 1873 and London in 1876. It is perhaps on this occasion that he met Charles Dickens, because we find in December 1869 a photograph, published by Robert Hindry Mason, representing the writer and his two daughters, colored by Joseph Athanase Aufray and in 1878 an illustration of a short story of the English author « The Mugby Branch« .
This realist artist was « distinguished » by Emile Zola in his comments on the Paris Salon of 1866. Théodore Véron, art critic, judged that he « is in real progress on his previous salons » and praised his cheerful and spiritual note in 1876: it is a painting entitled « The Last Touch » representing a little girl daubing a painting made by her father!
Leaving Ecouen, he settled in Montmorency.

For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

Mother and child in the snow
Aufray_The stream

Michel Arnoux (Arnoux Auguste Michel, said)

Paris, November 11 1833 – July 14 1877, Ecouen

​This painter, less known than the other artists of the Ecouen School, has an original name. Indeed, he reversed his surname and took one of his first names, Arnoux, which is not very common, in order to have a less common name than Michel.
He was born in the village of Belleville (not yet part of Paris) and became a student of Louis Cogniet, Léon Dansaert and Pierre Edouard Frère.
Like his masters, he was noticed for the realistic style of his paintings, especially at the Paris Salon of 1886 with two paintings: « the Reading of the Petit Journal » of 1866 and « the Young Mother« . Between 1864 and 1877, about twenty of his works were selected for the Grand Salon. His paintings always represent scenes of daily life, « the Reading Lesson« , « the Broken Pitcher« , etc., often inspired by his home town of Ecouen, where his presence is attested to in the 1873 census: he is the husband of Clémence Amélie Cochu.
As a landlord, he lived at number 19 rue d’Ezanville (now rue Paul Lorillon), a vast residence on the right side of which one can still see the beautiful glass roof of his studio.
Well integrated into the community of painters in the village (Léon Dansaert witnessed the birth of one of his children), he died there at the age of 44.

For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

Pierre Edouard Frère-E

Paris January 10 1819 – May 23 1886 Ecouen

In Ecouen, about fifteen kilometers north of Paris, a painter came to settle. He was Pancrace Bessa, a specialist in botanical painting and birds, who arrived in 1830 on rue de la Beauvette (now rue Auguste-Schenck). Did Pierre Edouard Frère meet him in the capital? This is a likely hypothesis, even if it cannot be confirmed. The colony of painters in Ecouen was, in fact, already in gestation: the first elements met near the present Gare du Nord, at 18 rue de Chabrol. Another hypothesis: a visit to the village during his scouting for the illustration of the book « The Mysteries of Paris » by Eugène Sue.
Close to the Romantic milieu during his youth, then influenced by the socializing ideas of Charles Fourier, he chose to paint the peasant world. This will be the « genre painting », before the arrival of impressionism.
Pierre Edouard Frère settled in this village around 1847, in a small country house painted by Léonide Bourges, the friend of Charles-François Daubigny. A modest house with a thatched roof and a dirt floor, this is how Madame Frère described her first home to Cornella W. Conant, an American painter visiting Ecouen, but praising its rustic charm.
In 1865, the painter built the villa Gabrielle (his wife’s middle name), rue de Paris (now rue du Maréchal-Leclerc), a large bourgeois house (now the Collège Sainte-Thérèse), on a piece of wood of 2 ha and 49 ca, for 23390 F. A great number of French and foreign artists come to join him in his countryside.
From Paul Delaroche, he learned the realistic representation of people and things. In Ecouen he found the scenes of daily rural life that he had before his eyes every day. Cornelia W. Conant, who knew him, describes him leaving his house at eight o’clock in the morning, painting in a small cart with a roof in bad weather, covering himself with sheep skins (perhaps those of Auguste Schenck, his accomplice), or visiting the homes of people who knew him well, in order to capture attitudes at work or interiors typical of the simple and sometimes miserable life of his fellow citizens. He hardly ever painted in his studio. As a reward for the children, whom a woman of the house kept in the pose required by the artist, he gave them a one-franc coin as salary. But the compulsory schooling imposed in 1883 brings some obstacles to his task towards the end of his life. As for the parents, they are entitled to a sum of between two and five francs. There was no lack of volunteers. The same American artist evokes a certain mother Cocotte, a local figure, who was her model for forty years, from the peasant woman full of vigor to the old woman of eighty.

For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

The red dress
The prayer
Seated young lady
PE Frère talks about Gambart
Formstecher sisters
The slide
Village under the snow
School batallion