George Henry Boughton

Norwich (Angleterre), 1833 – 1905, Londres

Bien que George Henry Boughton soit né à Norwich, Angleterre, en 1833 et qu’il ait vécu à Londres pendant toute la seconde partie de sa vie, ses années de formation comme artiste indépendant débutèrent à Albany (état de New York) où sa famille s’installa dans les années 1830.
A l’âge de 19 ans, il était un peintre paysager et ouvrit son premier atelier en 1852.
L’American Art Union acheta un de ses premiers tableaux. Cette institution l’encouragea à exposer ses œuvres et l’aida pour qu’il puisse passer six mois à étudier en Angleterre.
En 1857, George Henry Boughton exposa au Washington Art Association et en 1859 et 1860, travailla à New York. En 1860, il alla à Paris où il étudia auprès de Pierre Edouard Frère et d’Edouard May. L’influence française fut ensuite visible dans son style.
George Henry Boughton ouvrit un atelier à Londres en 1861. Bien qu’il vécût, à partir de ce moment, en Angleterre, son sujet de prédilection fut l’histoire coloniale américaine. S’il exista un peintre capable de raconter une histoire avec de sincères sentiments en utilisant des couleurs et des tons doux, ce fut bien George Henry Boughton. Un critique londonien a déclaré que « il a appris à mettre des sentiments naturels dans un environnement rustique, ce qui manque à la plupart des peintres anglais ». L’histoire des puritains de la Nouvelle Angleterre est le sujet d’un de ses plus fameux tableaux « Pèlerins allant à l’église », actuellement à la Société historique de New York.
En tant que peintre accompli, son œuvre est exposée dans les plus grandes académies dont il fut également membre.
George Henry Boughton poursuivit sa carrière en Angleterre jusqu’à son décès en 1905 à Campden Hill. Ses tableaux sont maintenant exposés dans des musées, aussi bien aux USA qu’en Angleterre.

Pour plus d’informations, nous vous invitons à lire le livre « L’Ecole d’Ecouen – une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle »

George Boughton-paysage d'hiver
Letter Boughton

Joseph Foxcroft Cole

Jay (Maine, USA), 1837 – 1892, Winchester (Massachussetts, USA)


De 1860 à 1863, Joseph Foxcroft Cole a été, en France, un élève dÉmile Lambinet et pendant les hivers, il a étudié le dessin dans les écoles publiques. A la fin de 1863, après un voyage en Italie, Joseph Foxcroft Cole a créé un atelier à Boston. Avec le soutien actif de William Morris Hunt, en 1865, il avait vendu assez d’œuvres pour retourner à Paris, où il a été l’élève de Charles Jacque.

À l’exception de William Morris Hunt, peu d’Américains connaissaient les artistes de Barbizon plus intimement que Joseph Foxcroft Cole, où il avait de fréquents contacts avec Troyon, Corot, Daubigny et Diaz. En 1872, il a peint plusieurs toiles représentant le village d’Ecouen dont une scène de rue et une étable. Voir représentations ci-jointes.

Joseph Foxcroft Cole exposa dans les Salons de 1866 et 1867, ainsi qu’à l’Exposition universelle de 1867 à Paris. Il a passé ses étés à peindre en Normandie et en Belgique. À la fin de 1870, il est retourné à Boston, mais est revenu en France en 1872 pour y rester pendant cinq ans. Pendant cette période, il a exposé aux Salons de 1873 à 1875, et souvent à l’Académie royale de Londres.

Joseph Foxcroft Cole a reçu une médaille à l’Exposition du centenaire de 1876 de Philadelphie. Il est de retour dans le Massachusetts en 1877, vivant à Winchester Mystic Lakes, où, sauf pour de brefs voyages en Californie et en Europe, il a passé le reste de sa vie.

Pour plus d’informations, nous vous invitons à lire le livre « L’Ecole d’Ecouen – une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle »

Chemin dans la forêt

Leo-Herrmann (Léon Herrmann, said)

Paris, July 1st 1853 – 1927

Russian by origin, he had some problems to obtain his naturalization. We find his presence in Ecouen in the 1893 census.
His two favorite subjects are religious figures, which he treats most often with a certain humor, and Incredibles of the early 19th century. He participated in the Paris salons of 1876, 1884 and 1895.
He lived in the villa Gabrielle in the rue de Paris, which Charles Edouard Frère rented to him verbally, according to the custom of the place, for 1,500 F per year. Not paying, he was evicted and condemned to pay his rents late.


For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

Adolphe William Bouguereau

La Rochelle, November 30th 1825 – August 19th 1905, La Rochelle

His birth certificate indicates Adolphe William, but the usual name is that of the signature of his paintings, William Bouguereau. He was the son of a Bordeaux wine merchant. His family, of Catholic conviction, had English origins. He learned drawing at the municipal school of drawing and painting in Bordeaux. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris where his master was François Edouard Picot (1786-1868).
In 1866, the art dealer Paul Duarnd-Ruel took charge of his career and allowed the artist to sell several paintings to amateurs; he was so successful with Americans that in 1878, during the first retrospective of his paintings for the Paris International Exhibition, the state could only gather twelve works, the rest of his production being expatriated to the United States.
Professor in 1888 at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and the Julian Academy in Paris, Léon Bazille (1832-1924), Guillaume Seignac (1870-1924) or Elizabeth Jane gardner Bouguereau (1837-1922), whom he married late in 1896, are among his many students.
Influenced by Ingres (1780-1867) and Raphael (1483-1520), he received a second Prix de Rome in 1848, then a first Prix de Rome in 1850. He was promoted to Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor. His son, Georges William, aged 15, while vacationing in Ecouen, died at Seignac’s home on July 19, 1875.
On November 18, 1893, François Paul Seignac and Anna Augustine Salemke, his wife, sold to Adolphe William Bouguereau, a painter, member of the Institute, living in Paris, a property located at rue de l’Abreuvoir n°8 (rue Colette-Rousset), on 1 200 m2 of the street and the property of the sellers for 25 000 F.​

For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

Letter W_ Bouguereau_31_01_1904

Louis Simon Lassalle (Louis Simon Cabaillot, said)

Paris 7°, May 24th 1808 – September 2nd 1885, Ecouen

Son of Louis Joseph Cabaillot and Lazarette Bardoux, Louis Lassalle, since it is under this pseudonym that he is known, is in fact called Cabaillot. After having followed the lessons of Pierre Paris and Louis Charles Lucien Müller, he began his career as a draughtsman and lithographer, and illustrated a considerable number of works, several hundred, in all genres from 1828 to 1854. He lived in Paris at 9, rue Bochart-de-Saron and came to Écouen quite late, in 1878, where he died in 1885. In the meantime, he had married Héloïse Félicité Frin and had a son who was a painter.
His first Salon was in 1850, where he presented three paintings that earned him compliments from the art world and earned him a place in the Salon until his last days. In addition, he received commissions from the government for which he painted « Floods of 1856 in Tarascon« , where Napoleon III had visited. He was even honored by the Queen of England who bought, in 1855, a fan by Jean-Pierre Duvelleroy whose leaf was painted by him, and which depicts Her Majesty Empress Eugenie, then a child, doing charity work.

It was under the influence of Pierre Édouard Frère that he turned to genre painting, with a particular talent for representing young children at play. His notoriety attracted students to him, including Paul Louis Soutif, who exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1870. Lassalle himself participated in the Salon until his death, with « Departure for the Harvest« . He liked to reproduce the effects of snow. He often painted it.
His signature is found at the bottom of a manifesto of 1862, next to other painters such as Dominique Ingres, Louis Isabey or Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, to protest « against any assimilation that could be made of photography to art« . Our artist, like many others, does not see eye to eye with this new technique that seems to want to compete with painting. History has not proven them right! 


For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

Woman on a donkey, on a bidge
Woman with faggots
Winter view of a village
The Etretat beach

Camille Léopold Cabaillot-Lassalle (Camille Léopold Cabaillot, said)

Paris, September 8th 1839 – January 7th 1902, Paris

Camille Léopold Cabaillot-Lassalle wanted to distinguish himself from his father, Louis Simon Lassalle known as Cabaillot, also a painter, by taking both names together for his signature. He was, of course, influenced by the artistic environment in which he lived and, very quickly, he followed in the footsteps of his father, whose pupil he had been and, after the latter’s arrival in Ecouen in 1878, was subjected to the strong attraction of Pierre Edouard Frère, whose lessons he followed.
From 1868 to his death, he multiplied his appearances in the Paris Salons.The painting that made him definitively famous was the one he exhibited at the Salon of 1874. It is precisely the painting entitled « Salon of 1874″. Cabaillot-Lassalle has, indeed, the original idea to represent on his canvas the interior of this salon, with works hanging on the wall contemplating visitors. Now, these, in reduced format, of course, were painted by the artists themselves, as the magazine « La Fantaisie Parisienne » reports.
These artists are not the least: Henriette Browne, Jean Baptiste Corot, Jules Jacques Veyrassat, Léon Richet and Gustave Achille Guillaumet, who lend themselves to this little game of mischief, which astonishes, charms and arouses admiration even today, to the point that the painting was recently sold at auction for 100,000 Euros.
The theft of one of his paintings in Toronto, at the Odeon Wagner Gallery, estimated at 2,800 dollars a few years ago, proves the interest in this painter if it were necessary.

For further information, please read the book “L’Ecole d’Ecouen, une colonie de peintres au XIXe siècle” (bilingual French-English).

Camille CABAILLOT LASSALLE_The big sorrow
Camille CABAILLOT LASSALLE_A children game
Camille CABAILLOT LASSALLE_On the beach